Start Journaling
Having a space where you can write down how you feel, what runs through your mind, set your goals for the day and watch how liberating you feel afterwards. So, get yourself a cute notebook with enough pages to hold your thoughts, inspirations, and goals, and start writing away!
Read a self-empowering book
There are quite a few books out there that inspire and motivate you to be the best version of yourself. ‘Think Like a Monk’ by Jay Shetty is among one of them. It launched this year and it explores some exercise and lessons to overcome negative thoughts and habits. This empowering book will help you find the peace and calmness that you need during this second lockdown.
Grab a copy here.
Go for walks…. Lots of them!
Make sure that you allow yourself to have some fresh air, even if you’re not feeling to workout, get your ass up and go for a walk girl! Now if you have a lot of energy that you need to release then why not get a party started in your living room and get pumped with some dancing workout!
We recommend doing a 15-minute dance workout, here is one that we love, and we hope you love it too.
Make a scrapbook
Here is one way to gather your memories, all the holidays, all the Christmas parties and the birthdays you have celebrated. Time to put your creative mind into it, and make it your own. Though you’ll feel nostalgic, you will be pleased to know December is only around the corner!
Run yourself a nice hot bubble bath
Give yourself some ‘me time’ do what it is that relaxes your body and mind so that you’re in the zone for your hot bath time. Unwind, relax in your warm bubble bath and tell Alexa to play your old-school jams, and pour yourself a glass of wine or gin or even some rum and coke whatever tickles your fancy. To really get the relaxing feels why not treat yourself to a scalp massage with our shampoo brush. You deserve it girl!
Relaxation levels 10/10.

Clear out your wardrobe
Being stuck at home gives you the perfect excuse to get those errands you've been avoiding for months! What better time than now to clear out your wardrobe? Not only will your clothes be super organised, but a good clear out is great for your mental health.
No idea where to start? Marie Kondo has some great tips. Check them out here.
Listen to a podcast
Find a topic you’re interested in, or you want to learn more about even if you’re up for a laugh whatever your mood, there are plenty of podcasts you can get your hands on. It’s a different way to bring your spirits up!
Looking for a Natural Hair Podcast? Check out the Snatched Edges Podcast.
Play some old school board games
There are many board games that will keep you and your family entrained; whether you're an intellectual gamer with chess or a risk taker with Jenga; it’s a great way to bring everyone together and have some fun!
Host a Zoom quiz night
Just because you cannot see your friends it doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun! So, gather some pub quiz questions, pop them into a quick powerpoint presentation and give your friends and family a zoom call and get your own zoom quiz rolling! Don't know where to start? Here are some ideas to get you started.
Update your CV/ Portfolio
Another suggestion for using this time to do the things you never had time to… is updating your portfolio or CV. Whether you’re applying for that new job you’ve always wanted to or just need to add some new skills/experience to it, this is the perfect time!
Additionally, if you are reading this and you’re between the ages of 18-30 or know someone who is who needs some help in writing a cover letter or CV, the Young Women’s Trust aims to guide you and support you with job applications, free coaching and more! To check them out and see how they can help you, here are their contact details:
For general enquiries:
Phone: 020 7837 2019
Email: contact@youngwomenstrust.org
Website: https://www.youngwomenstrust.org/
Now that you’ve got some suggestions, tell us which one/ones you're going to try out? -head over to our Instagram/twitter/Facebook to let us know.