I am sure you followed us through the curlfluencer 2021 competition and we of course crowned our winner Rusheen!! Who became our first No Knot Co Ambassador. We are very proud to introduce you to her and get to know her top tips, her go-to No Knot Co products and a lot more!

What are your favourite hair styles to use and why?
My favourite hair style is having my hair up in a ponytail or bun. It’s easy to do when you just wake up in the morning and spray a bit of water and put it up in a bun.
What type of hair do you have?
It is type 4 I would say and I've got high porosity hair, it absorbs products really quickly. But then my hair tends to get dry very quickly as well, so I have to make sure that it's always moisturised.
What are your top three tips for detangling your hair in the shower?
My first tip is to make sure you detangle before you get into the shower. Secondly, if you want slip, make sure you drench your hair with water before even starting to brush. Number three, whenever you're detangling, always make sure that you start from the ends of your hair and work your way up to the roots.
What are your favourite No Knot Co Tools?
My favourite No Knot Co tools are the gentle detangler and the ultimate detangler, the silk scrunchies, and the slick brush, and those hair sectioning clips! They're absolutely amazing. I use them every day. Whether I'm styling, whether I'm washing my hair, whether I'm doing a quick moisturise and seal, I use them all the time.
How often do you wash your hair?
So I try to wash my hair once a week. If not once a week, minimum once every two weeks.
How do you achieve slick smooth hair styles?
I make sure that my hair is clean because it is a lot easier to style when it is just washed. Then, I try not to use too much product because obviously it starts to build up and it doesn't look too good. Then I use the slick brush to achieve the hair style I want.
So what's your favourite No Knot Co Curl Essentials Set colour?
So mine would be pink, because I'm such a girly girl and I love pink.
What is your favourite detangling brush?
My favourite is the gentle detangler. Personally it's the best one for my hair- I use it in the shower. Whereas with the ultimate detangler I feel like that one works best on my hair out of the shower. For example, when I moisturise and seal, I feel like the ultimate detangling brush can get through all my knots while working the product in my hair.
What are your top five tips on keeping your hair healthy?
1. So I recently learnt from this one- To make sure you keep up with your trims otherwise you are just gonna get unnecessary breakage towards the ends of your hair and the ends aren't going to look very nice, especially when you are trying to put it up in a style.
2. Make sure that you keep your hair moisturised at all times.
3. Try and stay away from harsh ingredients- try to keep your products as natural as possible.
4. Make sure you use good tools for your hair for example, No, Knot Co tools are my go to tools when styling my hair and I will never go back.
5. Be gentle with your hair and try not to rush when brushing your hair treat it like you treat your skin.
How do you manage Frizz?
To be honest frizz does not bother me at all, like I said I don't use gel, I put cream on my hair, I moisturise it and go.
What is something new that you've learned about your hair?
Something new I learnt is when I recently I blow dried my hair and straightened it. It's strange, but I've got gold strands, all across my hair you can see it in sunlight. It's strange I did not know that until my friend was taking pictures. But I would say I will only blow dry it when I'm getting trims.
What do you love most about your hair?
I love the versatility. You can have lots of different hairstyles. You can have it curly. One day you can have a blowout look, you just have loads of different things that you can do with natural hair.
What top five songs are on your wash day playlist?
There's too many, I could not give you the top five, it depends on my mood as well. One day it could be RnB, one day dancehall, I just go on Spotify and play whatever I feel like.
- No Knot Co x